5 Ways to Keep Your Dog Active and Healthy – And How You Can Join In

5 Ways to Keep Your Dog Active and Healthy – And How You Can Join In

Keeping your dog active is not only essential for their physical and mental health, but it can also be a fun way for you to bond with your furry friend. As a pet parent, you can join your dog in their journey to staying active and healthy. Here are five ways to keep your dog active, and how you can join in the fun, with a little help from Suppy.


Go for Runs or Hikes

Running or hiking with your dog is a great way to get both of you moving and enjoying the outdoors. Not only will you both get a good workout, but you'll also have the opportunity to explore new trails and sights. Start with shorter distances and build up gradually based on your dog's fitness level. To support your dog's active lifestyle, Suppy offers customized supplements formulated by a certified nutritionist that can help maintain their energy levels and support their muscles and joints.


Take a Dip

Swimming is a low-impact exercise that is perfect for dogs of all ages and fitness levels. Whether you take your dog to a nearby lake or have a pool in your backyard, a dip in the water can be a fun and refreshing way to stay active. Remember to supervise your dog at all times and use a life jacket if needed. To support your dog's active lifestyle, Suppy offers customized supplements formulated by a certified nutritionist that can help support their joint health and mobility.


Try Agility Training

Agility training is a fun way to challenge your dog's physical and mental abilities. Set up a backyard obstacle course or take your dog to a local training facility to try out different equipment like jumps, tunnels, and weave poles. Not only will this help keep your dog active, but it can also strengthen your bond as you work together to navigate the course. To support your dog's active lifestyle, Suppy offers customized supplements formulated by a certified nutritionist that can help maintain their muscle health and reduce the risk of injury.


Play Games Together

Playing games with your dog can be a fun way to keep both of you active and entertained. Whether you choose to play fetch, hide and seek, or tug-of-war, these interactive games can help improve your dog's physical and mental health. Plus, they provide an opportunity for you to bond with your furry friend. To support your dog's active lifestyle, Suppy offers customized supplements formulated by a certified nutritionist that can help maintain their energy levels and support their overall health and wellbeing.

Take Daily Walks

Daily walks are an essential part of maintaining your dog's health and wellbeing. Even if you don't have time for longer activities, a 30-minute walk each day can help keep your dog active and engaged. Plus, it's a great opportunity for you to get some exercise as well. To support your dog's active lifestyle, Suppy offers customized supplements formulated by a certified nutritionist that can help maintain their joint health and mobility.

As a pet parent, you can play an active role in keeping your dog healthy and happy. By incorporating these fun activities into your routine, you can help support your dog's active lifestyle and strengthen your bond with them. And with Suppy's customized supplements, you can ensure that your dog is getting the support they need to stay active and healthy for years to come.