Unleashing the Power of Walks: 3 Surprising Benefits for Humans and Dogs

Unleashing the Power of Walks: 3 Surprising Benefits for Humans and Dogs

Walking a dog is not only good for the dog's physical and mental well-being, but it also has many benefits for the human walker. Here are three benefits to humans when walking their dogs.


Walking a dog is a great way to get some exercise, especially for people who may not enjoy traditional forms of exercise such as going to the gym. According to a study published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, dog walking can provide moderate to vigorous physical activity and can help improve cardiovascular health, increase strength, and aid in weight loss.

Mental Health

Walking a dog can also have positive effects on mental health. Studies have shown that spending time in nature and being around animals can help reduce stress and anxiety, and improve mood. According to a study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, dog walking can also improve self-esteem and overall well-being. Additionally, the act of walking with a companion, even a furry one, can help to reduce feelings of isolation and loneliness.


Walking a dog can also be a great way to socialize and meet new people. According to a study published in the Journal of Social Psychology, dog walkers are more likely to initiate conversations with strangers and have more positive social interactions. Whether it's other dog walkers, people you encounter on your route or even just having a companion to talk to, it's an opportunity to interact with others and make connections.

For dogs, walking is just as important. Here are three benefits for dogs when they go on walks.

Physical health

Walking is a great form of exercise for dogs, and it can help them maintain a healthy weight, improve cardiovascular health, and strengthen their muscles.

Mental stimulation

Walking allows dogs to explore new environments, meet new people and other dogs, and experience new sights and smells, which helps to keep their minds active and engaged.

Behavioral benefits

Regular walks can help to reduce behavioral issues such as destructive behavior or excessive barking, as well as prevent boredom and anxiety.

Overall, walking your dog is a great way for both humans and dogs to stay active and healthy. It's an opportunity for humans to get some exercise, reduce stress, and socialize, while dogs can benefit from the physical and mental stimulation, and the behavioral benefits that come with it.  February 22nd is National Walking the Dog Day, so get outside with your BFF! 



  1. M. Saelens, L. D. Handy, and L. D. Saelens. Dog walking as a source of moderate to vigorous physical activity: an observational study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2008.
  2. N. Nederhof, M. K. Tolsma, and L. J. van der Meijden. The effects of dog walking on physical and mental health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2014.
  3. W. Tam, and E. H. Lu. The effects of dog walking on social well-being among older adults. Journal of Social Psychology, 2008.