Fun and Safe Summer with Dogs: Expert Tips for a Paw-some Season!

Fun and Safe Summer with Dogs: Expert Tips for a Paw-some Season!

Ah, summer—the sun is shining, the days are longer, and it's the perfect time to enjoy outdoor activities with our furry companions! As responsible furparents, one should understand the joys and challenges that summer can bring for our four-legged friends. Because while summer is filled with excitement, it also poses certain risks for our furry best friends. It's crucial to be aware of these dangers and take appropriate precautions.

So, we’ll share with you valuable insights on keeping your dogs safe while maximizing the fun under the summer sun! 

Summer Dangers for Dogs

While the sun may be shining and the weather inviting, it's important to recognize that the summer heat can bring some challenges for our furry companions, just as it does for us humans. As professionals in the field, we want to shed light on some common dog hazards that you should be aware of during this season: 

Dehydration and Heatstroke 

Just like us, dogs can quickly succumb to the effects of overheating, leading to dehydration and potentially life-threatening heatstroke. It's crucial to be vigilant, particularly with breeds that have thick coats or short snouts, as they are more prone to heat-related issues.


Believe it or not, dogs can get sunburned too! Light-colored or thinly-haired dogs, as well as those with exposed skin areas, need extra protection. Remember that unprotected sun exposure can cause painful burns and even increase the risk of developing skin cancer.


Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes thrive in the warm summer months. These pests not only irritate dogs but also carry diseases like Lyme disease and heartworm. So it is highly essential to protect your furry friend from these parasites every time you go outside. 


What to Do to Keep Dogs Safe During Summer

Now that we've identified some potential summer hazards, let's delve into the measures you can take to ensure a safe and enjoyable summer for your canine companion. 

Hydration is Key 

Always provide fresh water for your dog, especially when spending time outdoors. Carry a portable water bottle and bowl combo to quench their thirst during walks, hikes, or playdates at the park.

Find the Shade 

When the sun is at its peak, it's crucial to provide ample shade for your furry friend. Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, and create cool spots using umbrellas, tarps, or even a doggy canopy.

Paw Protection 

Hot pavement or sand can burn your dog's paw pads. Test the surface temperature with your hand before taking them for walks. Consider using paw balm or booties to shield their paws from extreme heat.

Apply Dog-Safe Sunscreen 

Consult your veterinarian to select a dog-friendly sunscreen and apply it to areas susceptible to sunburn, such as the nose, ears, belly, and any exposed skin. Remember to avoid sunscreens containing zinc oxide, as it can be toxic to dogs if ingested.

Keep Bugs at Bay 

Use veterinarian-recommended flea, tick, and mosquito preventives to protect your dog from these pesky parasites. Regularly check for ticks after outdoor adventures, and consider natural repellents to reduce exposure to chemicals.

How to Stay Safe This Summer with Suppy

At Suppy, we understand that proper nutrition is essential for a dog's well-being throughout the year, including the summer months. Our customized supplements, formulated by certified nutritionists, can provide targeted support to address these specific needs. 

Here's how Suppy can help your dog stay healthy and thrive this summer:

Hydration Boost 

Our supplements contain essential vitamins and minerals that support proper hydration, ensuring your dog's body maintains optimal water balance during hot days.

Coat and Skin Support 

Suppy's unique blends contain nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants that promote a healthy coat and skin. By nourishing your dog's skin, you can help protect against sunburn and irritations.

Immune Defense 

Our supplements include ingredients that can bolster your dog's immune system, helping them ward off potential infections and diseases carried by summer pests.

With a little preparation and the right care, you can create a fun and safe summer for your furry friend. Remember to prioritize hydration, provide shade, protect their paws and skin, and safeguard against parasites. And don't forget to enhance their well-being with Suppy supplements tailored to their individual needs. 

Together, let's make this summer a tail-wagging season of adventure and joy for both you and your beloved pup! Get their Suppy supplements here. 

Note: While Suppy supplements can support your dog's overall well-being, always consult with your veterinarian for personalized advice and recommendations.