How much is too much? A Vet's Guide to Feeding Your Dog

How much is too much? A Vet's Guide to Feeding Your Dog

As a responsible dog parent, ensuring your furry friend's well-being is a top priority. And guess what? It all starts with what's on their plate. One of the cornerstones of a dog’s good health is a proper feeding routine. Just as we need balanced meals, our four-legged companions also require a well-structured diet to thrive.

In this comprehensive guide, we're diving into the nitty-gritty of nourishing your canine pal. From adorable puppies to full-grown fur balls, we are serving up the scoop on how to feed them right and even spicing things up with a sprinkle of custom supplements. So, let's dig in! 

Why do you need a feeding guide for your dog? 

Okay, imagine eating the same thing every day, with no clue about portion sizes or nutrition. Not cool, right? Well, our furry friends feel the same. 

Maintaining a consistent feeding routine isn't just about placing a bowl of kibble in front of your pup; it's about providing them with the nutrients they need to flourish. Just like us, dogs require specific nutrients to support their growth, energy levels, and overall health. A feeding guide acts as a roadmap, ensuring that your dog receives the right amount of nutrients and calories they need to thrive. 

How to feed your growing puppy 

Puppyhood is an exhilarating journey marked by boundless energy, curiosity, and rapid growth. During this phase, nutrition takes center stage, laying the foundation for your dog’s healthy and vibrant adulthood. Let's dive deeper into how to fuel your puppy's development for optimal well-being. 

Frequency of Meals 

In the initial months of puppyhood, your furry bundle of joy is on an accelerated growth trajectory. To accommodate this growth spurt, they require more frequent meals compared to their adult counterparts. Providing 3-4 meals a day ensures a steady supply of energy and nutrients to support their burgeoning needs.

Transitioning as They Mature 

As your puppy matures, typically around 4-6 months of age, their feeding routine can be gradually adjusted. By this time, their digestive system has matured enough to handle fewer meals. Transitioning to 2-3 meals per day strikes a balance between providing sustained energy and easing the load on their developing digestive system.

Below is a sample feeding schedule tailored to different stages of your puppy's growth:


8-12 Weeks Old

7:00 AM: Breakfast

12:00 PM: Lunch

5:00 PM: Dinner

9:00 PM: Late Evening Snack


3-6 Months Old

8:00 AM: Breakfast

12:30 PM: Lunch

6:00 PM: Dinner


6 Months and Beyond

8:30 AM: Breakfast

5:30 PM: Dinner


Choosing the Right Puppy Food

Opt for high-quality puppy food that's specifically formulated to meet the unique nutritional needs of growing dogs. Look for labels indicating that the food is balanced and complete. Seek out nutrient-dense options rich in proteins, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. These elements are crucial for building strong bones, muscles, and supporting cognitive development.

How to Feed Your Adult Dog

As your furry companion steps into adulthood, their nutritional requirements shift to align with their mature state. Ensuring their well-being during this phase involves understanding their changing needs and making appropriate adjustments to their diet. Let's explore the nuances of feeding your adult dog for a balanced and thriving life.

Frequency of Meals

Unlike the bustling energy of puppyhood, adult dogs typically thrive on a more structured feeding routine. Providing 1-2 meals per day offers stability and helps maintain an optimal weight. This frequency accommodates their settled metabolism while providing essential nutrients.

Creating a Balanced Diet

A well-rounded diet forms the cornerstone of your adult dog's health. Incorporate a mix of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats to cater to their energy needs. Lean proteins support muscle maintenance and repair, while complex carbs provide sustained energy. Healthy fats contribute to coat health and overall vitality.

Outlined below is an example of an ideal feeding schedule for adult dogs:



7:00 AM: Breakfast


6:00 PM: Dinner


This schedule offers a balance between nutritional intake and digestive rest, providing ample time for the body to process and utilize nutrients effectively.

Customizing Portions for Your Dog

While this schedule serves as a general guideline, remember that individual dogs have unique needs based on factors such as age, breed, size, and activity level. Consulting your veterinarian is crucial to accurately determine the appropriate portion size for your specific dog. Your vet can offer insights into adjusting quantities based on their metabolic rate, ensuring they maintain a healthy weight and overall well-being.

Ongoing Monitoring and Adaptation

As your adult dog's life evolves, so might their nutritional needs. Keep a watchful eye on their weight, energy levels, and overall health. If there are changes in their activity level, such as increased exercise or age-related adjustments, revisiting their feeding routine is essential.

By offering a thoughtfully designed diet tailored to your adult dog's needs, you're contributing to their long-term health and happiness. Remember, a well-fed and well-nourished adult dog is a companion poised for a life full of joyful moments by your side.

Adding Supplements to the Mix 

If you want to do more to support your dog's health and vitality, then there's an exciting avenue to explore: customized supplements. Just like how we might take vitamins to fill in nutritional gaps, these supplements are like a specialized boost for your furry friend's well-being.

Addressing Specific Needs

Picture this: your dog bounding around with joy, their joints moving with ease, a glossy coat gleaming in the sunlight. Or perhaps their tummy is content and happy, making mealtime a delightful experience. These scenarios aren't just daydreams; they're achievable realities with the right support. Tailored supplements from Suppy cater to your dog's unique needs. Whether it's joint support for aging companions, promoting a lustrous coat, or ensuring digestive comfort, these supplements are designed to address specific concerns.

Check out our different formulas here.

Suppy's custom dog supplements are the result of expert knowledge and careful consideration. Crafted by a team of certified nutritionists Suppy offers formulated supplements that are backed by science and made with care.

In conclusion, a well-informed approach to feeding your dog can significantly contribute to their overall quality of life. A structured feeding routine, coupled with thoughtful dietary choices, ensures their vitality and longevity. For those seeking to enhance their dog's diet further, exploring Suppy's customized dog supplements, designed under professional guidance, could be a valuable step forward.

Your journey toward providing optimal nutrition for your beloved companion starts here