Morning Vomiting? Understanding Why Dogs Sometimes Start the Day with a Vomit

Morning Vomiting? Understanding Why Dogs Sometimes Start the Day with a Vomit

We all know that delightful moment when our furry friends greet us in the morning with wagging tails and a touch of enthusiasm. But what happens when that greeting comes with an unexpected surprise? Yes, we're talking about morning vomit sessions. 

While it might not be the most pleasant topic to discuss, understanding why dogs vomit in the morning can help us address the issue and ensure our furry pals stay happy and healthy. In this blog, we'll explore some possible reasons behind this phenomenon and shed light on how supplements can contribute to supporting good digestion in dogs. So, let's get to the bottom of this breakfast-time conundrum!

5 Possible Reasons Why Dogs Vomit in the Morning

Empty Stomach

Just like humans, dogs can experience an upset stomach when it's empty for an extended period. If your pup had an early dinner and went to bed without a snack, they might wake up feeling nauseous and end up vomiting.

Bile Build-Up

Dogs produce bile to aid in digestion. When the stomach is empty, bile can accumulate, irritating the stomach lining and leading to vomiting. This is commonly referred to as bilious vomiting syndrome.

Gastrointestinal Distress 

Various gastrointestinal issues, such as gastritis or inflammatory bowel disease, can cause morning vomiting in dogs. These conditions may result from dietary indiscretion, food allergies, or underlying health concerns.

Motion Sickness 

Just like some humans, certain dogs experience motion sickness. If your furry companion frequently travels in the morning or gets anxious during car rides, the resulting stress and motion can trigger vomiting.

Medication Side Effects 

Some medications, particularly those administered in the evening or before bed, can cause morning vomiting in dogs. If your pup is on a prescribed medication regimen, consult your veterinarian to evaluate its potential side effects.

5 Medical Conditions Related to Dogs Vomiting in the Morning


This condition refers to inflammation of the stomach and intestines, often caused by infections, dietary changes, or ingestion of toxic substances. Vomiting in the morning can be a symptom of acute or chronic gastroenteritis.


Inflammation of the pancreas can lead to morning vomiting in dogs. Pancreatitis can be triggered by dietary indiscretion, high-fat foods, or other underlying health conditions.

Gastric Obstruction

If your dog ingests a foreign object, it can cause partial or complete blockage in the stomach or intestines. Morning vomiting accompanied by signs of discomfort or loss of appetite may indicate a gastric obstruction.

Kidney Disease

Dogs with kidney disease may experience vomiting, especially in the morning. The kidneys' compromised function can result in toxin buildup, leading to gastrointestinal disturbances.

Liver Disease

Liver conditions such as hepatitis or liver failure can cause morning vomiting in dogs. These conditions require immediate veterinary attention, as they can be serious and potentially life-threatening.

How Suppy Formula 3 Can Help with Your Dog’s Vomiting 

Suppy Formula 3 is a carefully formulated dog supplement designed to promote healthy digestion. Packed with essential nutrients, digestive enzymes, and prebiotics, it provides the necessary support for a balanced gut environment. 

By improving nutrient absorption and reducing gastrointestinal discomfort, Suppy Formula 3 can help alleviate morning vomiting in dogs. Remember, while a healthy diet and routine veterinary care are essential, adding Suppy Formula 3 to your pup's regimen can make a significant difference in their overall digestive health.

Disclaimer: It's important to consult your veterinarian if your dog experiences persistent or recurring morning vomiting to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment.

Remember, a happy morning starts with a healthy pup! With Suppy Formula 3, you can bid farewell to those morning vomits and start the day off right. Take the Suppy quiz here and get Suppy Formula 3 for your furbaby!