Summer Skin Pawblems: 5 Common Dog Skin Conditions and How to Solve Them

Summer Skin Pawblems: 5 Common Dog Skin Conditions and How to Solve Them

The sun-kissed days of summer are upon us, filling our lives with outdoor adventures, poolside lounging, and ice cream cones. But wait, let's not forget our four-legged friends who are equally eager to embrace the warmth of the season! While our dogs revel in summer fun, the soaring temperatures can bring along some pesky skin problems that need our attention.

Common Summer Skin Problems in Dogs

Hot Spots 

These fiery little patches of discomfort are often caused by excessive scratching, licking, or biting due to heat and humidity. They can quickly escalate if not addressed promptly.

Flea Infestations 

Warm weather is a paradise for fleas, and they can quickly latch onto our furry pals, causing itchy, inflamed skin and allergic reactions.


Just like us, dogs can suffer from sunburns too! Especially for those with light-colored or thin coats, their sensitive skin needs protection from the harsh UV rays.

Allergic Reactions

Pollens, grasses, and other allergens are more prevalent during summer, triggering allergic reactions in dogs, leading to skin irritation and rashes.

Remember, prevention is the best medicine. As responsible pet parents, it's essential to take proactive steps to shield our canine companions from these skin woes.

Here's how we can do it:

Regular Grooming 

Frequent brushing helps remove loose fur and dirt, keeping the coat clean and reducing the risk of hot spots. Additionally, grooming sessions also provide an excellent opportunity to inspect your dog's skin for any abnormalities or pests.

Flea Control 

Consult your vet for appropriate flea prevention methods, such as topical treatments or oral medications, to keep those pesky pests at bay. Remember to treat your home environment too, as fleas can lurk in carpets and upholstery.

Sun Protection 

Limit outdoor activities during peak sun hours, and if your dog spends time outdoors, consider using dog-safe sunscreens for vulnerable areas like the nose and ears. Providing shade in your garden or yard will offer a cool spot for your pup to retreat to.

Allergy Management 

Keep an eye on potential allergens in your dog's environment and work with your vet to identify and manage allergies effectively. Your vet may recommend allergy testing or suggest dietary adjustments to alleviate symptoms.

Suppy Formula No. 2: Your Furbaby's Skin Shield 

To enhance your furry friend's skin health and coat quality, consider adding Suppy Formula No. 2 to their diet. This custom-made dog supplement, formulated by a certified nutritionist, is tailor-made to address individual skin needs, providing a boost of essential nutrients for healthier skin and a shinier coat. With a blend of vitamins, minerals, and natural ingredients, Suppy Formula No. 2 nourishes the skin from within, supporting its barrier function and reducing the risk of irritations.

Let's make this summer a season of joy and comfort for our beloved pooches. With a bit of preventive care and the support of Suppy Formula No. 2, we can protect our dogs from common skin problems and ensure they enjoy each sun-soaked day to the fullest. 

So, let the tail-wagging adventures begin! Keep those pesky skin issues at bay and bask in the warm embrace of summer with our happy and healthy furry friends.  

Ready to give Suppy a try? Order your first batch of Suppy dog supplements today and see the difference it can make for your furry friend!